To retrieve the raw data for all conversations in a very detailed view. The days’ range cannot be more than 7 days.
Method | POST |
Endpoint | https://{{host}}/agentassist/api/public/analytics/account/{{accountId}}/v2/interactionDetails?offset=0&limit=100 |
Content Type | application/json |
Authorization | auth: {{JWT}} See How to generate the JWT Token. |
API Scope | SmartAssist Analytics |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description | Type |
host | Environment URL, for example, | String, Required |
accountId | The Account Id | String, Required |
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description | Type |
limit | Specifies the number of bot records to retrieve, with a maximum limit of 100. For example, 50 | Integer, Optional |
offset | Defines the number of pages to skip or retrieve. Defaults to 0 if unspecified, with a maximum value of 10. For example, 10 | Integer, Optional |
Sample Requests
curl --location 'https://{{host}}/agentassist/api/public/analytics/account/{{accountId}}/v2/interactiondetails?offset=0&limit=100' \ --header 'authority:' \ --header 'accept: application/json, text/plain, /' \ --header 'accountid: 66bc4a29bdaafdb08461xxxx' \ --header 'content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \ --header 'referer:' \ --header 'x-request-id: 5912cf37-667a-484e-b075-2c42114dxxxx' \ --header 'x-timezone-offset: -330' \ --header 'auth: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhcHBJZCI6ImNzLTE3MzUwOGUxLTI5ZjItNWU5MC05NTMyLTEyMmVjNmI5NDFlMSJ9.rHNRMrmljmodyFXGsJQgoayI34jBixaWI7ClRARxxxx' \ --data '{ "startDate":"2024-09-26", "endDate":"2024-09-26", "selectedFields": ["userleveltags", "sessionleveltags", "customerinfo", "skills"], "timeZoneOffset":-330 }'
Body Parameters
Parameter | Description | Type |
startDate | The start date from which the records need to be considered. The date format is: yyyy-mm-dd HH24:mm:ss For Example, 2022-08-25 07:20:15 |
DateTime, Required |
endDate | The end date from which the records need to be considered. The date format is: yyyy-mm-dd HH24:mm:ss For Example, 2022-08-25 18:20:15 |
DateTime, Required |
timeZoneOffset | The time zone offset. For Example, -330,630,-500 |
Number, Required |
selectedFields.skills | The skill id and skill name. For example, “id”: “64c0d4eb3642d2755604xxxx”, “name”: “Reporting” | array[string], Optional |
selectedFields.userleveltags | Tags added to the user’s profile information to capture user information. For example, “accountnum”, “value”: “121413243141234132” | array[string], Optional |
selectedFields.sessionleveltags | Tags that can be added at the current session of the user. These can be used to track the conversation sessions from a specific time frame. For Example, “name”: “audioCodesCallDisconnect”, “value”: “1” | array[string], Optional |
selectedFields.customerinfo | The Customer information passed in the request. For example, “CustomerPhone”: “1888456780”, “CenterPhone”: “1234567890”, “Direction”: “Inbound”, “CustomerFirstName”: “John”, “CustomerLastName”: “Donne”, “CustomerEmail”: “” | array[string], Optional |
channels | The different channels. For Example, ['rtm', 'voice'] |
array[string], Optional |
queues | The list of queue ids in the instance bots. | array[string], Optional |
bots | The list of instance bot ids in the account. | array[string], Optional |
Sample Response
{ "numResults": 38, "data": [ { "sessionId": "66f4f3aa205c5afb97d3xxxx", "channel": "Jones ", "sessionStartTime": "2024-09-26T11:09:54", "sessionEndTime": "2024-09-26T11:09:55", "botId": "st-4b6a22d1-b8e5-533d-8020-93f847a9xxxx", "userId": "u-390b0c73-6b06-5656-a3b1-58746515xxxx", "channelSpecificUserId": "66bc4a29bdaafdb08461xxxx/", "orgId": "o-da77ca21-1719-5833-b17b-6f4f6ef1xxxx", "smartStatus": "CLOSED AT BOT", "finalStatus": "Dropped", "customerinfo": { "CustomerPhone": "", "CenterPhone": "", "Direction": "Inbound", "CustomerFirstName": "John", "CustomerLastName": "Doe", "CustomerEmail": "" }, "skills": [], "userleveltags": [], "sessionleveltags": [] }, { "sessionId": "66f55f1caca47e4a408axxxx", "channel": "voice", "sessionStartTime": "2024-09-26T18:48:20", "sessionEndTime": "2024-09-27T00:19:14", "botId": "st-4b6a22d1-b8e5-533d-8020-93f847a9xxxx", "userId": "u-c047b1df-90ba-503a-aee1-208cbea1xxxx", "channelSpecificUserId": "cs-96d71a16-075b-5212-9988-9c70ebeexxxx/3be2f396-0be3-4677-b277-e3325f79xxxx", "orgId": "o-da77ca21-1719-5833-b17b-6f4f6ef1xxxx", "smartStatus": "CLOSED AT BOT", "customerinfo": { "CustomerPhone": "+123456789", "CenterPhone": "+1987654321", "Direction": "Inbound", "CustomerFirstName": "Jane", "CustomerLastName": "Doe", "CustomerEmail": "" }, "skills": [], "userleveltags": [], "sessionleveltags": [ { "name": "audioCodesCallDisconnect", "value": "1" }, { "name": "callerNumber", "value": "+123456789" }, { "name": "welcomeMessageTwilio", "value": "1" } ] }, { "sessionId": "66f55f81aca47e4a408axxxx", "channel": "voice", "sessionStartTime": "2024-09-26T18:50:01", "sessionEndTime": "2024-09-27T00:20:54", "botId": "st-4b6a22d1-b8e5-533d-8020-93f847axxxx", "userId": "u-7b0c1536-88b3-51a0-8294-77df025xxxx", "channelSpecificUserId": "cs-96d71a16-075b-5212-9988-9c70ebeexxxx/dfc9e120-3158-4da0-8d37-9422f248xxxx", "orgId": "o-da77ca21-1719-5833-b17b-6f4f6ef1xxxx", "smartStatus": "CLOSED AT BOT", "customerinfo": { "CustomerPhone": "+123456789", "CenterPhone": "+1987654321", "Direction": "Inbound", "CustomerFirstName": "John", "CustomerLastName": "Smith", "CustomerEmail": "" }, "skills": [], "userleveltags": [], "sessionleveltags": [ { "name": "audioCodesCallDisconnect", "value": "1" }, { "name": "callerNumber", "value": "+123456789" }, { "name": "welcomeMessageTwilio", "value": "1" } ] }, { "conversationId": "c-4600ad5-5333-4655-a1de-219c1101xxxx", "sessionId": "66f57e87aca47e4a408xxxx", "channel": "Jones ", "isVoicemail": "NO", "Direction": "Inbound", "skills": [], "finalStatus": "CLOSED", "smartStatus": "TERMINATED", "statusDetail": "NO AGENTS AVAILABLE", "botId": "st-4b6a22d1-b8e5-533d-8020-93f847axxxx", "dispositions": [ "DROP-OFF" ], "dispositionRemarks": [], "metaInfo": { "workinghours": { "workdays": "mon,tue,wed,thu,fri", "workstart": "8:00 AM", "workend": "5:00 PM" }, "profImage": "no-avatar", "profColour": "#ff0000", "jTitle": "", "dept": "", "activationStatus": "active", "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "orgId": "o-2b41857b-a1cb-5862-8faf-e3d99c3axxxx", "_id": "u-390b0c73-6b06-5656-a3b1-58746515xxxx", "customData": { "isAgentAssistOnly": true, "agentId": null, "experience": "CHAT" }, "identities": [ { "val": "66bc4a29bdaafdb0846xxxxx/", "type": "mapped" }, { "val": "66bc4a29bdaafdb0846xxxx/agentassist/c-08c8086-9da3-486c-8379-e295ed2xxxx", "type": "mapped" }, { "val": "66bc4a29bdaafdb0846xxxx/agentassist/c-448b3d2-eb67-4270-b288-bbe3a917xxxx", "type": "mapped" }, { "val": "66bc4a29bdaafdb08461xxxx/agentassist/c-ebdcd19-50e2-4cc9-9e44-cd9b174dxxxx", "type": "mapped" }, { "val": "66bc4a29bdaafdb0846xxxx/agentassist/c-19820ec-3650-49c5-8800-364de978xxxx", "type": "mapped" }, { "val": "66bc4a29bdaafdb08461xxxx/agentassist/c-5152028-d892-4e81-ba32-3e034bexxxx", "type": "mapped" }, { "val": "66bc4a29bdaafdb08461xxxx/agentassist/c-024e496-701a-45aa-a007-bec260b6xxxx", "type": "mapped" }, { "val": "66bc4a29bdaafdb08461xxxx/agentassist/c-a1d1d81-b483-4eb0-89ba-2b8b4154xxxx", "type": "mapped" }, { "val": "66bc4a29bdaafdb08461xxxx/agentassist/c-a0b165b-e567-4381-bd54-95a218a5xxxx", "type": "mapped" }, { "val": "66bc4a29bdaafdb08461xxxx/agentassist/c-893000e-0ce0-449d-9020-095d883xxxx", "type": "mapped" }, { "val": "66bc4a29bdaafdb08461xxxx/agentassist/c-5c1c63e-33bb-4b20-a58a-a521007xxxx", "type": "mapped" }, { "val": "66bc4a29bdaafdb08461xxxx/agentassist/c-cd0a99a-066d-4d32-acb5-eaa3185xxxx", "type": "mapped" }, { "val": "66bc4a29bdaafdb08461xxxx/agentassist/c-25c24cd-191a-4cea-872e-5dcaee3xxxxx", "type": "mapped" }, { "val": "66bc4a29bdaafdb08461xxxx/agentassist/c-0d44d07-6d3e-472c-8e6a-6006d7d2xxxx", "type": "mapped" }, { "val": "66bc4a29bdaafdb08461xxxx/agentassist/c-d3c1852-62a7-4b54-a497-7443404xxxx", "type": "mapped" }, { "val": "66bc4a29bdaafdb0846xxxx/agentassist/c-55bed06-cd8e-405b-a004-4337c3bbxxxx", "type": "mapped" }, { "val": "66bc4a29bdaafdb0846xxxx/agentassist/c-8425d77-a35b-4903-989d-dedce78xxxx", "type": "mapped" }, { "val": "66bc4a29bdaafdb08461xxxx/agentassist/c-93c4396-65eb-4b97-b806-7850b33axxxx", "type": "mapped" }, { "val": "66bc4a29bdaafdb08461xxxx/agentassist/c-e166877-6264-4dec-bbd7-3a60ebb5xxxx", "type": "mapped" }, { "val": "66bc4a29bdaafdb08461xxxx/agentassist/c-ea89a1a-b206-4269-bde6-85865c94xxxx", "type": "mapped" } ], "agentTransferConfig": { "skillsIds": [], "overrideAgents": false, "overrideValues": [], "assistEvents": { "startEvent": { "isEnabled": false } }, "lastIntentName": "ConnectToAgent", "automationBotId": "st-bdc0f473-406d-59bd-bd15-0d1b80afxxxx" }, "hostDomain": "", "fullName": "John Smith", "to": "" }, "customerinfo": { "CustomerPhone": "", "CenterPhone": "", "CustomerFirstName": "John", "CustomerLastName": "Smith", "CustomerEmail": "" }, "sessionStartTime": "2024-09-26T21:02:23", "sessionEndTime": "2024-09-26T21:05:25", "channelSpecificUserId": "66bc4a29bdaafdb08461xxxx/agentassist/c-ea89a1a-b206-4269-bde6-85865c94xxxx", "userId": "u-390b0c73-6b06-5656-a3b1-58746515xxxx", "destinations": [], "userleveltags": [], "sessionleveltags": [] }, { "conversationId": "c-ec568a6-b300-41c6-a9c7-ea298e9cxxxx", "sessionId": "66f57833aca47e4a408axxxx", "channel": "voice", "isVoicemail": "NO", "Direction": "Inbound", "skills": [], "finalStatus": "ACTIVE", "smartStatus": "", "statusDetail": "", "botId": "st-4b6a22d1-b8e5-533d-8020-93f847a9xxxx", "dispositions": [], "dispositionRemarks": [], "metaInfo": { "caller": "+123456789", "callee": "+1987654321", "callerHost": "", "userId": "u-59c3c244-f59e-5163-b515-7afb8abfxxxx", "dialedNumber": "+1987654321", "agentTransferConfig": { "skillsIds": [], "overrideAgents": false, "overrideValues": [], "assistEvents": { "startEvent": { "isEnabled": false } }, "lastIntentName": "ConnectToAgent", "automationBotId": "st-bdc0f473-406d-59bd-bd15-0d1b80afxxxx", "accountId": "66bc4a29bdaafdb08461xxxx" }, "workinghours": { "workdays": "mon,tue,wed,thu,fri", "workstart": "8:00 AM", "workend": "5:00 PM" }, "profImage": "no-avatar", "profColour": "#add8e6", "jTitle": "", "dept": "", "activationStatus": "active", "firstName": "", "lastName": "", "orgId": "o-2b41857b-a1cb-5862-8faf-e3d99c3axxxx", "_id": "u-59c3c244-f59e-5163-b515-7afb8abfxxxx", "identities": [ { "val": "cs-96d71a16-075b-5212-9988-9c70ebeexxxx/03ae7421-6672-4df4-8878-25d23c2axxxx", "type": "mapped" }, { "val": "66bc4a29bdaafdb08461xxxx/korevg/03ae7421-6672-4df4-8878-25d23c2axxxx", "type": "mapped" } ] }, "customerinfo": { "CustomerPhone": "+123456789", "CenterPhone": "+1987654321", "CustomerFirstName": "", "CustomerLastName": "", "CustomerEmail": "" }, "sessionStartTime": "2024-09-26T20:35:23", "sessionEndTime": "2024-09-26T20:41:00", "channelSpecificUserId": "66bc4a29bdaafdb08461xxxx/korevg/03ae7421-6672-4df4-8878-25d23c2axxxx", "userId": "u-59c3c244-f59e-5163-b515-7afb8abxxxxx", "destinations": [ { "destinationType": "QueueEntry", "queueId": "qu-04e6978-6011-49d6-929d-cd715080xxxx", "queueName": "Default Queue", "EnterTime": "2024-09-26T20:35:24", "respondingAgent": { "agentId": "u-0b7f0d22-4311-5555-9ed6-861c9231xxxx", "agentNotes": [], "destinationType": "AgentSegment", "status": "Answered", "firstResponseTime": "2024-09-26T20:35:55", "firstResponseDuration": 0, "interactionEndTime": "2024-09-26T20:36:57", "interactionDuration": 61, "ConsultingAgents": [], "JoinedUsers": [], "email": "", "name": "John Doe", "acceptedTime": "2024-09-26T20:35:55", "assignedAt": "2024-09-26T20:35:51" } } ] } } }
Response Parameter Definitions
Field name | Type and format | Description | Example |
conversationId | type-prefixed-guid | An ID generated by SmartAssist for this conversation. | c-7b08889-539d-408d-a3e6-9e6ae059xxxx |
sessionId | internal value | A bot-generated ID for this conversation. | 63bd199c197b3646dadexxxx |
channel | character string | Name of the channel | Web / Mobile Client |
skills | array of skill objects | ID and name of each skill associated with this conversation | { “id”: “64c0d5353642d2755604xxxx”, “name”: “Platinum Customer” } |
finalStatus | character string | Completion status of the conversation | CLOSED |
smartStatus | character string | Conversation status | TERMINATED |
statusDetail | character string | Details regarding the status | NO AGENTS AVAILABLE |
botId | type-prefixed-guid | st-ae8470ab-8ecb-51fb-8e13-c87dc66fxxxx | |
Direction | Inbound or Outbound | ||
dispositions | array of strings | Disposition codes | [ “ESCALATED” ] |
dispositionRemarks | array of strings | Final remarks from the agent | [” CUSTOMER needs help with Products and Sales. AGENT will connect her with an agent.”] |
customerInfo | object | Info on the caller obtained on a best-efforts basis | { “CustomerPhone”: “1888456780”, “CenterPhone”: “1234567890”,”CustomerFirstName”: “John”,”CustomerLastName”: “Donne”,”CustomerEmail”: “” } |
metaInfo | object | Contains custom information, set by the automation | |
sessionStartTime | YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:SS | Start time of the session. | 2023-01-10 2:25:54 |
sessionEndTime | YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:SS | End time of the session. | 2023-01-10 2:25:54 |
channelSpecificUserId | no known format | User id passed by the channel | |
userId | type-prefixed-guid | SmartAssist’s own generated user id | u-8413fd99-4ded-5f6d-8c1a-176dc66xxxx |
destinations | array of objects | One object for each Queue or Agent that the call was transferred to. | |
destination.destinationType | QueueEntry | AgentSegment | Destination for any transfer – to distinguish a direct-to-agent transfer from a transfer to queue. | |
csatScore | integer | CSAT score assigned by consumer (1 – 5) | 3 |
csatFeedback | string | Survey comment entered by consumer. | |
QueueEntry.queueId | type-prefixed-guid | SmartAssist’s internal ID for the Queue | qu-123dbe9-c752-464d-a9be-1d0e43b6xxxx |
QueueEntry.queueName | character string | Name of the queue | Residential – Sales |
QueueEntry.EnterTime | YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:SS | Time at which this conversation entered this queue | 2023-01-10 2:25:54 |
QueueEntry.respondingAgent | an AgentSegment object | Details of the responding agent. | |
QueueEntry.respondingAgent.agentId | type-prefixed-guid | SmartAssist’s internal ID for the agent | u-f3a11f62-57d7-5a9f-a071-787650b1xxxx | | character string | Agent’s name | Jared Smith |
QueueEntry.respondingAgent.agentNotes | array of strings | Notes from each agent. | [“CUSTOMER has a problem with Products and Sales. She needs an agent to help her.”] |
QueueEntry.respondingAgent.destinationType | AgentSegment | A constant value. | | | | Agent’s email address | |
QueueEntry.respondingAgent.assignedAt | YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:SS | The time at which the Queue assigned this contact to this Agent | 2023-01-10 2:25:54 |
QueueEntry.respondingAgent.acceptedTime | YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:SS | The time at which this Agent accepted this contact | 2023-01-10 2:25:54 |
QueueEntry.respondingAgent.status | Answered | | Status of the conversation with this respondingAgent. | |
QueueEntry.respondingAgent.firstResponseTime | YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:SS | The time at which this Agent first responded | 2023-01-10 2:25:54 |
QueueEntry.respondingAgent.firstResponseDuration | integer | Duration in seconds, from the time of Agent’s acceptance to the time of his first response. | 20 |
QueueEntry.respondingAgent.interactionEndTime | YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:SS | The time at which the interaction with this respondingAgent ended. | 2023-01-10 2:25:54 |
QueueEntry.respondingAgent.interactionDuration | integer | Duration in seconds, from the time of Agent’s acceptance to the time of the last utterance between the agent and the end user. | 51 |
QueueEntry.respondingAgent.afterCallWorkDuration | integer | Duration in seconds, of the post-call-work of this agent. | 8 |
QueueEntry.respondingAgent.afterCallWorkEndTime | YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:SS | The time when this agent completed post-call work. | 2023-01-10 2:25:54 |
QueueEntry.nonRespondingAgents | array of nonRespondingAgent objects | Details of agents who did not accept the contact. | |
QueueEntry.nonRespondingAgent.agentId | type-prefixed-guid | SmartAssist’s internal ID for the Agent | u-93e53753-0ea0-5168-b8ae-ad731f7axxxx | | character string | Agent’s name | Diarmuid O’Scannlain | | Agent’s email address | | |
QueueEntry.nonRespondingAgent.assignedAt | YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:SS | The time when this agent was assigned this contact. | 2023-01-10 2:25:54 |
userleveltags | array of tag objects | All user-level tags associated with this session | {“name”: “accountnum”,”value”: “121413243141234132” } |
sessionleveltags | All session-level tags associated with this session |