Introduction to SmartAssist
Minimum System and Browser Requirements
SmartAssist Lifecycle Management
SmartAssist Setup Guide
Sign Up for SmartAssist
Setup SmartAssist for Use With AgentAssist
Release Notes
Recent Updates
Previous Versions
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Flow Designer
Create Experience Flows
Navigate the Flow Designer
Experience Flow Nodes
Node Types
IVR Menu
IVR Digit Input
Conversational Input
Check Agent Availability
Check Business Hours
Message Prompt
Run Automation
Agent Transfer
Connect to API
Go to Flow
Deflect to Chat
Script Task
Set Queue
End Flow
Waiting Experience
Conversation Automation
Testing Widget
Use Cases
Questions & Answers

Account Management
Switch Account
Invite Developers to an Account
SmartAssist Routing
Skill Groups
Hours of Operation
Default Flows
User Management
Agent Groups
Agent Settings
Role Management
Agent Status
System Setup
Limitations With Accounts Using AudioCodes
Agent Transfer
Agent Forms
Language & Speech
Language Management
Voice Preferences
Hold Audio
Standard Responses
AgentAssist Settings
Widget Theming (Layout Customization)
Advanced Settings
Co-Browse Settings
Community WFM (Beta)
Automatic Conversation Summary (Beta)
Intelligent Agent Tools
API Reference
API Setup
Rate Limits
API List
Genesys Voice Bot
Genesys + Kore Voice Automation - Manual Installation Guide
Voice Automation - Integration with Amazon Connect
Voice Automation NiceCX (CX One) - SIP Integration
Talkdesk Voice Automation
Kore Voice Automation (IVA) Integration with Zoom Contact Center (CC)
ID R&D Integration With Kore
Audit Report

Agent Console
Conversation Tray
Incoming Interactions
Interacting with Customers
Additional Tools
My Dashboard

SmartAssist Metrics
Queues and Agents
Monitor Queues, Agents, Interactions, and Service Levels
Manage Layout

Reports List

SmartAssist Metrics

Metric Source Method/Formula Definition API Link and Parameter
Client Call Volume Interaction logs or session analytics. Export session data via the Session Logs API or Analytics Dashboard. NA NA
Intent ID rate NLU performance metrics in bot analytics. Use the Intent Recognition API or export Intent Analytics. NA NA
Fallout Disconnect Volume and Rate Interaction events in the platform. Query disconnection events using Session Events API, filter based on event reasons like “CX error.” NA NA
Successful Disconnect Volume and Disconnect Rate Analytics Dashboard or Custom Reports. Filter sessions where tasks were completed, but no agent escalation occurred. NA NA
Total Disconnect Volume and Disconnect Rate Analytics on session drop-offs. Analyze logs for session disconnections pre-queue assignment. NA NA
Agent Handoff Volume and Rate Escalation data from the bot’s configuration. Extract handoff events via Agent Escalation API. NA NA
Calls Saved and Containment Rate Containment metrics in analytics. Use session IDs and timestamps to track sessions without subsequent escalations or callbacks. NA NA
Transfer Rate Agent interaction logs. Analyze events for warm/cold transfers. NA NA
Misroute Rate Wrap-up codes or agent feedback in analytics. Query session tags or agent logs via API. NA NA
Re-prompt Rate Bot’s error handling logs Count re-prompt events in session logs. NA NA
Bot AHT Analytics Dashboard (Handle Time section). Export handle time data via analytics API. NA NA
Client Experience Score CSAT feedback module. Fetch CSAT survey responses. NA NA
Task Completion Rate Task Analytics Query successful task completions via Task Execution Metrics API. NA NA
Average Handle Time (AHT)* Agent analytics or reports. Aggregate Talk Time, Hold Time, and After Call Work from session logs. Total handle time of the conversation in seconds. Contact Volume API
Parameter: Contact Volme API (CallVolumeUpdate.conversationHandleTime)
Talk Time Interaction logs. Extract agent-client conversation durations. Total talk time during the conversation in seconds. Contact Volume API
Parameter: Contact Volme API(CallVolumeUpdate.conversationTalkTime)
Hold Time Interaction logs. Query session logs for hold events. Total hold duration in seconds during the call. Contact Volume API
Parameter: Contact Volme API(CallVolumeUpdate.holdDuration)
After Call Work (ACW) Agent interaction reports. Extract ACW time from agent session logs. After-call work duration in seconds. Contact Volume API
Parameter: Contact Volme API(CallVolumeUpdate.acwDuration)
Net Calls Handled (NCH)* Analytics Dashboard or custom agent reports. Export total handled calls per agent. NA NA
Sample size Control/test group assignment in the analytics. Export agent metadata and session data. NA NA
Same Day Callback + 1 (SDCB) Interaction logs with timestamps. Identify callbacks using client IDs and timestamps. NA NA
Client Availability* Agent activity logs. Divide actual productive time by expected productive time. NA NA
FCR Session interaction logs. Analyze client interactions within 7-day windows. NA NA
Agent Satisfaction Feedback from agent assist logs. Extract agent feedback via Agent Assist Feedback API. NA NA
CSAT Post-interaction surveys. Fetch CSAT ratings via the survey response export feature. NA NA
Uptime System health logs or monitoring tools. Use bot monitoring APIs or analytics for uptime tracking. NA NA
Latency Session analytics or logs. Extract latency data from interaction response times. NA NA
Usage Adoption Agent activity logs. Calculate percentage usage from augment feature access logs. NA NA
Model accuracy Score NLU Model Performance Dashboard. Export intent and entity accuracy metrics from analytics. NA NA
Total Conversations Dashboard -> Automations/ Queues & Agents/ Interactions
Interactions Report
Total Volumes report
Queue Metrics Interval Report
Queue Metrics Summary Report
Call Details API
Call Volume API
NA All the conversations that came into the SmartAssist routing system fulfilling the filters NA
Waiting Dashboard -> Queues & Agents NA All calls/chats, currently waiting in queue. NA
Ongoing Dashboard -> Queues & Agents NA All calls/chats currently interacting with agents. NA
Idle Dashboard -> Queues & Agents NA All calls/chats where the customer has been silent for some time. NA
Expired Dashboard -> Queues & Agents NA All calls/chats have been ended, but disposition has not yet been set. NA
Completed Dashboard -> Automations/ Queues & Agents/
Queue and Agent performace tables
Dashboard – Interactions
Interactions Report
Total Volumes Report
Queue Metrics Interval Report
Queue Metrics Summary Report
Agent Metrics Daily Report
NA All calls/chats in a completed state. (They may have been properly closed by an Agent, Abandoned by the customer, or terminated by the system for any reason). NA
Abandon Rate Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
Monitor tab- SLA
Queue Metrics Summary Report
(Number of conversations which were abandoned by the user / Number of conversations closed) *100 All calls/chats that entered the queue in this time interval, were prematurely dropped by the customer. NA
Queue Load Dashboard -> Queues & Agents Queue Load = (Voice + Chat/3 + Messaging/8 + Email/10) x 100 / Available Agents
Voice = Voice Count; Ongoing or waiting in queue (including Voicemails or Callbacks before turning Outbound).
Chat = Chat Count; Live chat conversations ongoing or waiting in a queue.
Messaging = MessagingCount; Messaging conversations ongoing or waiting in a queue.
Email = Email Count; Email conversations ongoing or waiting in a queue.
Resolved Rate Dashboard -> Queues & Agents (Number of conversations which were closed with dispositions as Resolved / Number of conversations closed) * 100 All calls/chats that entered the queue in this time interval, that were resolved successfully / All calls/chats. NA
Average Pick-up Time Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
My Dashboard
The sum of (time from when the agent’s phone starts ringing – Agent picks it up)/no. of conversations answered Average of (time from when the Agent’s phone starts ringing – Agent picks it up.) NA
Average Engagement Time Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
My Dashboard
The sum of time from when the agent starts talking to the end of the call/no. of conversations answered Average of (time from when the Agent starts talking to the end of the call.) NA
Average Talk Time Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
My Dashboard
Queue Metrics Interval Report
Total Volume Report
Queue Metrics Summary Report
Agent Metrics Daily Report
Call Volume API
Monitor tab
Avg Engagement time – mute/hold time Average talk time NA
Average Mute/Hold Time Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
My Dashboard
NA The average duration of all mute/holds of an agent NA
Average Speed to Answer ASA) Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
My Dashboard
Queue performance table
Queue Metrics Summary Report
Queue Metrics Interval Report
Queue Chat Metrics Interval Report
Call Volume API
Monitor tab
Service levels
NA Average of (Time from entering the queue to being accepted by Agent for answered conversations only) NA
Average First Response Time Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
My Dashboard
Agent Chat Metrics Report
Monitor tab
The sum of (Time from acceptance by agent to time of first greeting by Agent)/no. of answered conversations Average of (Time from acceptance by agent to time of first greeting by Agent.) NA
Average Agent Response Time Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
My Dashboard
Monitor tab
Agent Chat Metrics Report
The sum of time duration taken by an agent to respond to a customer’s messages/no. of responses by an agent except the first agent’s message, that is, A2-C1 + A3-C2 +…/no. of agent responses except for the first msg of the agent (when the agent responds first) Average time taken by the Agent to respond to a message from the Customer. NA
Average Customer Response Time Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
My Dashboard
The sum of time duration taken by a customer to respond to an agent’s messages/no. of responses by an agent except the first customer message, that is,
C2-A1 + C3-A2 +…/no. of customer responses except the first message of the customer (when the customer responds first)
The average time taken by the Customer to respond to the Agent. NA
Total Transfers Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
My Dashboard
Service levels
Monitor tab
Agent Metrics Daily Report
Agent Chat Metrics Report
Queue Metrics Summary Report
Queue Metrics Interval Report
Total Volume Report
NA Number of all calls/chats transferred to queues or agents in this time interval. NA
Call Transfers Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
My Dashboard
Service levels
Monitor tab
Agent Metrics Daily Report
Agent Chat Metrics Report
Queue Metrics Summary Report
Queue Metrics Interval Report
Total Volume Report
NA The number of all voice calls transferred out to other destinations that entered selected queues or agents that entered queues in this time interval. NA
Chat Transfers Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
My Dashboard
Service levels
Monitor tab
Agent Metrics Daily Report
Agent Chat Metrics Report
Queue Metrics Summary Report
Queue Metrics Interval Report
Total Volume Report
NA The number of all chats transferred out to other destinations that entered selected queues or agents that entered queues in this time interval. NA
Skills in Queue(Live) Dashboard -> Queues & Agents NA This widget shows the top 5 skills that current conversations (waiting or talking) require.
Each line shows the percentage of conversations that require each skill.
This percentage is also displayed at the end of the line, along with the number of conversations requiring that skill.
Top Skills Dashboard -> Queues & Agents NA This widget will show a WordCloud with the top 10 skills that are required by conversations, in this time interval.
Pressing the hamburger button will switch the view to a table of the skills (with numConversations and %), sorted by popularity.
WordCloud is the default view. You can also switch back from a table to the WordCloud.
Conversations by Disposition Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
Queue Disposition Report
NA Will display all conversations with Dispositions assigned NA
Average Satisfaction Rating Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
My Dashboard
Queue performance table
Agent performance table
Queue Chat Metrics Interval Report
Queue Metrics Interval Report
Queue Metrics Summary Report
Agent Chat Metrics Report
Agent Metrics Daily Report
Monitor tab
The sum of CSAT/no. of conversations that provided CSAT Average of CSAT NA
Customer Satisfaction by Channel Dashboard -> Queues & Agents NA Will display CSAT score according to the channels NA
Offered Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
Queue performance table
My Dashboard
Queue Chat Metrics Interval Report
Queue Metrics Summary Report
Queue Metrics Interval Report
Total Volume Report
Call Volume APIAgent Chat Metrics Report
NA No. of conversations assigned to the agent NA
Answered Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
Agent performace table
My Dashboard
Agent Metrics Daily Report
Agent Chat Metrics Report
Call Volume APIQueue metrics Summary Report
Queue Metrics Interval Report
Queue Chat Metrics Interval Report
NA No. of conversations accepted by an Agent(Conversation level) NA
Average Response time The sum of time duration taken by an agent to respond to a customer’s messages/no. of responses by an agent except the first agent’s message, that is, Agent 2-Customer 1 + Agent 3-Customer 2 +…/no. of agent responses except for the first message of the agent (when the agent responds first) Average time taken by the Agent to respond to a message from the Customer. NA
Unanswered Agent chat metrics report
Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
Agent performace table
NA No. of conversations assigned but not accepted by the agent until agent timeout
Note: The conversations that were transferred/moved out from the agent within the agent timeout will not be considered unanswered
Abandoned (with Agent) Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
Agent performace table
Queue performance table
My Dashboard
Agent Chat Metrics Report
Total Volume API
Chat – user idle scenario
Voice – when a user ends the conversation while the agent puts it on hold
Conversations abandoned by the user while with the agent NA
Transferred Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
Agent performace table
Queue performance tabel
My Dashboard
Agent Chat Metrics Report
Agent Metrics Report
Total Volume Report
Call Volume API
NA Conversations transferred from the agent to another agent/queue NA
Logged in Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
Agent performace table
My Dashboard
Agent Login Logout Report
Agent Activity Summary Report
NA How long the agent is in a logged-in state within the chosen interval NA
Closed / Hour Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
Agent performace table
My Dashboard
No. of conversations closed / Logged in time Conversations properly closed by the agent per hour NA
Incoming Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
Queue performance table
Queue Chat Metrics Interval Report
Queue Metrics Summary Report
Queue Metrics Interval Report
Total Volume Report
Call Volume API
Agent Chat Metrics Report
Agent performance table
NA No. of conversations that reached the queue NA
Voicemails Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
Queue performance table
Interaction Details Report
Queue Metrics Summary Report
Interactions Dashboard
NA No. of conversations that went into voicemails NA
Terminated Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
Dashboard – My Dashboard
System terminations
Queue performance table
Total Volume Report
Queue Metrics Summary Report
Queue Metrics Interval Report
Queue Chat Metrics Interval Report
NA No. of conversations that were terminated by the system in the queue NA
Start time NA The timestamp at which the conversation has started NA
Duration NA The time duration between the start and end of the conversation NA
Accepted Agent Chat Metrics Report
Queues & Agents – Agent performace table
Agent Metrics Daily Report
Queue Metrics Summary Report
Queue Metrics Interval Report
Queue Chat Metrics Interval Report
NA The chats that are Accepted by the Agent. NA
Not Accepted Agent Chat Metrics
Queues & Agents – Agent Performance table
NA Not answered by Agent
1. Came to agent Queue but did not answer
2. Rejected the conversation
Abandoned AgentChat Metrics
Queues & Agents – Queue and Chat performance tables
Queue Metrics Summary Report
NA Chat – user idle scenario
Voice – when a user ends the conversation while the agent puts it on hold
Average Duration Agent Chat Metrics Report
Total Volume Report
Queue Chat Metrics Interval Report
Queue Metrics Interval Report
(Sum of Total talk time) / Accepted Count The average total talk time of the agent during all the calls NA
Average First Response Time (FRT) Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
My Dashboard
Agent Chat Metrics Report
Monitor tab
The sum of (Time from acceptance by an agent to time of first greeting by Agent)/no. of answered conversations Average of (Time from acceptance by agent to time of first greeting by Agent.) NA
Automations Dashboard – Automations
Total Volumes Report
Dashboard – Interactions, Export
Interaction Details Reports
Call Details API
Monitor tab – Automations Filter
NA All the conversations that were completed without having to reach an agent NA
Dropoffs Dashboard – Automations
Total Volumes Report
Dashboard – Interactions, Export
Interaction Details Reports
Call Details API
Monitor tab – Automations Filter
Dropoffs –
invalid input is received for the entity nodes
no input for several Allowed Retries configurations (timeout prompts)
max number of retires reached configured for the entity node (error prompts)Chat:
A user left the conversation midway without completing any task – user dropoff
The task ended as a failure (failure node is executed) – system dropoff
The last interaction/message resulted in an ‘intent not identified’ scenario – system dropoff
No response from the assistant – system dropoff
Live conversation when you abandon the assistant
All the conversations where the end-user dropped off before the resolution NA
Agent Transfers Dashboard – Automations
Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
Dashboard – Interactions, Export
Total Volumes Report
Interaction Details Reports
Call Details API
Monitor tab – Automations Filter
NA All the conversations that were triggered to an agent and then accepted/ not accepted NA
Deflections Dashboard – Automations
Dashboard – Interactions, Export
Total Volumes Report
Interaction Details Reports
Call Details API
NA All the conversations that went to change of channel during a conversation NA
Assignments Interaction Details Report NA The number of times this conversation has been assigned to any agent, irrespective of the queue NA
Acceptances Interaction Details Report NA The number of times this conversation has been accepted by any agent, irrespective of the queue NA

SmartAssist Metrics

Metric Source Method/Formula Definition API Link and Parameter
Client Call Volume Interaction logs or session analytics. Export session data via the Session Logs API or Analytics Dashboard. NA NA
Intent ID rate NLU performance metrics in bot analytics. Use the Intent Recognition API or export Intent Analytics. NA NA
Fallout Disconnect Volume and Rate Interaction events in the platform. Query disconnection events using Session Events API, filter based on event reasons like “CX error.” NA NA
Successful Disconnect Volume and Disconnect Rate Analytics Dashboard or Custom Reports. Filter sessions where tasks were completed, but no agent escalation occurred. NA NA
Total Disconnect Volume and Disconnect Rate Analytics on session drop-offs. Analyze logs for session disconnections pre-queue assignment. NA NA
Agent Handoff Volume and Rate Escalation data from the bot’s configuration. Extract handoff events via Agent Escalation API. NA NA
Calls Saved and Containment Rate Containment metrics in analytics. Use session IDs and timestamps to track sessions without subsequent escalations or callbacks. NA NA
Transfer Rate Agent interaction logs. Analyze events for warm/cold transfers. NA NA
Misroute Rate Wrap-up codes or agent feedback in analytics. Query session tags or agent logs via API. NA NA
Re-prompt Rate Bot’s error handling logs Count re-prompt events in session logs. NA NA
Bot AHT Analytics Dashboard (Handle Time section). Export handle time data via analytics API. NA NA
Client Experience Score CSAT feedback module. Fetch CSAT survey responses. NA NA
Task Completion Rate Task Analytics Query successful task completions via Task Execution Metrics API. NA NA
Average Handle Time (AHT)* Agent analytics or reports. Aggregate Talk Time, Hold Time, and After Call Work from session logs. Total handle time of the conversation in seconds. Contact Volume API
Parameter: Contact Volme API (CallVolumeUpdate.conversationHandleTime)
Talk Time Interaction logs. Extract agent-client conversation durations. Total talk time during the conversation in seconds. Contact Volume API
Parameter: Contact Volme API(CallVolumeUpdate.conversationTalkTime)
Hold Time Interaction logs. Query session logs for hold events. Total hold duration in seconds during the call. Contact Volume API
Parameter: Contact Volme API(CallVolumeUpdate.holdDuration)
After Call Work (ACW) Agent interaction reports. Extract ACW time from agent session logs. After-call work duration in seconds. Contact Volume API
Parameter: Contact Volme API(CallVolumeUpdate.acwDuration)
Net Calls Handled (NCH)* Analytics Dashboard or custom agent reports. Export total handled calls per agent. NA NA
Sample size Control/test group assignment in the analytics. Export agent metadata and session data. NA NA
Same Day Callback + 1 (SDCB) Interaction logs with timestamps. Identify callbacks using client IDs and timestamps. NA NA
Client Availability* Agent activity logs. Divide actual productive time by expected productive time. NA NA
FCR Session interaction logs. Analyze client interactions within 7-day windows. NA NA
Agent Satisfaction Feedback from agent assist logs. Extract agent feedback via Agent Assist Feedback API. NA NA
CSAT Post-interaction surveys. Fetch CSAT ratings via the survey response export feature. NA NA
Uptime System health logs or monitoring tools. Use bot monitoring APIs or analytics for uptime tracking. NA NA
Latency Session analytics or logs. Extract latency data from interaction response times. NA NA
Usage Adoption Agent activity logs. Calculate percentage usage from augment feature access logs. NA NA
Model accuracy Score NLU Model Performance Dashboard. Export intent and entity accuracy metrics from analytics. NA NA
Total Conversations Dashboard -> Automations/ Queues & Agents/ Interactions
Interactions Report
Total Volumes report
Queue Metrics Interval Report
Queue Metrics Summary Report
Call Details API
Call Volume API
NA All the conversations that came into the SmartAssist routing system fulfilling the filters NA
Waiting Dashboard -> Queues & Agents NA All calls/chats, currently waiting in queue. NA
Ongoing Dashboard -> Queues & Agents NA All calls/chats currently interacting with agents. NA
Idle Dashboard -> Queues & Agents NA All calls/chats where the customer has been silent for some time. NA
Expired Dashboard -> Queues & Agents NA All calls/chats have been ended, but disposition has not yet been set. NA
Completed Dashboard -> Automations/ Queues & Agents/
Queue and Agent performace tables
Dashboard – Interactions
Interactions Report
Total Volumes Report
Queue Metrics Interval Report
Queue Metrics Summary Report
Agent Metrics Daily Report
NA All calls/chats in a completed state. (They may have been properly closed by an Agent, Abandoned by the customer, or terminated by the system for any reason). NA
Abandon Rate Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
Monitor tab- SLA
Queue Metrics Summary Report
(Number of conversations which were abandoned by the user / Number of conversations closed) *100 All calls/chats that entered the queue in this time interval, were prematurely dropped by the customer. NA
Queue Load Dashboard -> Queues & Agents Queue Load = (Voice + Chat/3 + Messaging/8 + Email/10) x 100 / Available Agents
Voice = Voice Count; Ongoing or waiting in queue (including Voicemails or Callbacks before turning Outbound).
Chat = Chat Count; Live chat conversations ongoing or waiting in a queue.
Messaging = MessagingCount; Messaging conversations ongoing or waiting in a queue.
Email = Email Count; Email conversations ongoing or waiting in a queue.
Resolved Rate Dashboard -> Queues & Agents (Number of conversations which were closed with dispositions as Resolved / Number of conversations closed) * 100 All calls/chats that entered the queue in this time interval, that were resolved successfully / All calls/chats. NA
Average Pick-up Time Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
My Dashboard
The sum of (time from when the agent’s phone starts ringing – Agent picks it up)/no. of conversations answered Average of (time from when the Agent’s phone starts ringing – Agent picks it up.) NA
Average Engagement Time Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
My Dashboard
The sum of time from when the agent starts talking to the end of the call/no. of conversations answered Average of (time from when the Agent starts talking to the end of the call.) NA
Average Talk Time Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
My Dashboard
Queue Metrics Interval Report
Total Volume Report
Queue Metrics Summary Report
Agent Metrics Daily Report
Call Volume API
Monitor tab
Avg Engagement time – mute/hold time Average talk time NA
Average Mute/Hold Time Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
My Dashboard
NA The average duration of all mute/holds of an agent NA
Average Speed to Answer ASA) Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
My Dashboard
Queue performance table
Queue Metrics Summary Report
Queue Metrics Interval Report
Queue Chat Metrics Interval Report
Call Volume API
Monitor tab
Service levels
NA Average of (Time from entering the queue to being accepted by Agent for answered conversations only) NA
Average First Response Time Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
My Dashboard
Agent Chat Metrics Report
Monitor tab
The sum of (Time from acceptance by agent to time of first greeting by Agent)/no. of answered conversations Average of (Time from acceptance by agent to time of first greeting by Agent.) NA
Average Agent Response Time Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
My Dashboard
Monitor tab
Agent Chat Metrics Report
The sum of time duration taken by an agent to respond to a customer’s messages/no. of responses by an agent except the first agent’s message, that is, A2-C1 + A3-C2 +…/no. of agent responses except for the first msg of the agent (when the agent responds first) Average time taken by the Agent to respond to a message from the Customer. NA
Average Customer Response Time Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
My Dashboard
The sum of time duration taken by a customer to respond to an agent’s messages/no. of responses by an agent except the first customer message, that is,
C2-A1 + C3-A2 +…/no. of customer responses except the first message of the customer (when the customer responds first)
The average time taken by the Customer to respond to the Agent. NA
Total Transfers Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
My Dashboard
Service levels
Monitor tab
Agent Metrics Daily Report
Agent Chat Metrics Report
Queue Metrics Summary Report
Queue Metrics Interval Report
Total Volume Report
NA Number of all calls/chats transferred to queues or agents in this time interval. NA
Call Transfers Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
My Dashboard
Service levels
Monitor tab
Agent Metrics Daily Report
Agent Chat Metrics Report
Queue Metrics Summary Report
Queue Metrics Interval Report
Total Volume Report
NA The number of all voice calls transferred out to other destinations that entered selected queues or agents that entered queues in this time interval. NA
Chat Transfers Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
My Dashboard
Service levels
Monitor tab
Agent Metrics Daily Report
Agent Chat Metrics Report
Queue Metrics Summary Report
Queue Metrics Interval Report
Total Volume Report
NA The number of all chats transferred out to other destinations that entered selected queues or agents that entered queues in this time interval. NA
Skills in Queue(Live) Dashboard -> Queues & Agents NA This widget shows the top 5 skills that current conversations (waiting or talking) require.
Each line shows the percentage of conversations that require each skill.
This percentage is also displayed at the end of the line, along with the number of conversations requiring that skill.
Top Skills Dashboard -> Queues & Agents NA This widget will show a WordCloud with the top 10 skills that are required by conversations, in this time interval.
Pressing the hamburger button will switch the view to a table of the skills (with numConversations and %), sorted by popularity.
WordCloud is the default view. You can also switch back from a table to the WordCloud.
Conversations by Disposition Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
Queue Disposition Report
NA Will display all conversations with Dispositions assigned NA
Average Satisfaction Rating Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
My Dashboard
Queue performance table
Agent performance table
Queue Chat Metrics Interval Report
Queue Metrics Interval Report
Queue Metrics Summary Report
Agent Chat Metrics Report
Agent Metrics Daily Report
Monitor tab
The sum of CSAT/no. of conversations that provided CSAT Average of CSAT NA
Customer Satisfaction by Channel Dashboard -> Queues & Agents NA Will display CSAT score according to the channels NA
Offered Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
Queue performance table
My Dashboard
Queue Chat Metrics Interval Report
Queue Metrics Summary Report
Queue Metrics Interval Report
Total Volume Report
Call Volume APIAgent Chat Metrics Report
NA No. of conversations assigned to the agent NA
Answered Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
Agent performace table
My Dashboard
Agent Metrics Daily Report
Agent Chat Metrics Report
Call Volume APIQueue metrics Summary Report
Queue Metrics Interval Report
Queue Chat Metrics Interval Report
NA No. of conversations accepted by an Agent(Conversation level) NA
Average Response time The sum of time duration taken by an agent to respond to a customer’s messages/no. of responses by an agent except the first agent’s message, that is, Agent 2-Customer 1 + Agent 3-Customer 2 +…/no. of agent responses except for the first message of the agent (when the agent responds first) Average time taken by the Agent to respond to a message from the Customer. NA
Unanswered Agent chat metrics report
Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
Agent performace table
NA No. of conversations assigned but not accepted by the agent until agent timeout
Note: The conversations that were transferred/moved out from the agent within the agent timeout will not be considered unanswered
Abandoned (with Agent) Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
Agent performace table
Queue performance table
My Dashboard
Agent Chat Metrics Report
Total Volume API
Chat – user idle scenario
Voice – when a user ends the conversation while the agent puts it on hold
Conversations abandoned by the user while with the agent NA
Transferred Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
Agent performace table
Queue performance tabel
My Dashboard
Agent Chat Metrics Report
Agent Metrics Report
Total Volume Report
Call Volume API
NA Conversations transferred from the agent to another agent/queue NA
Logged in Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
Agent performace table
My Dashboard
Agent Login Logout Report
Agent Activity Summary Report
NA How long the agent is in a logged-in state within the chosen interval NA
Closed / Hour Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
Agent performace table
My Dashboard
No. of conversations closed / Logged in time Conversations properly closed by the agent per hour NA
Incoming Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
Queue performance table
Queue Chat Metrics Interval Report
Queue Metrics Summary Report
Queue Metrics Interval Report
Total Volume Report
Call Volume API
Agent Chat Metrics Report
Agent performance table
NA No. of conversations that reached the queue NA
Voicemails Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
Queue performance table
Interaction Details Report
Queue Metrics Summary Report
Interactions Dashboard
NA No. of conversations that went into voicemails NA
Terminated Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
Dashboard – My Dashboard
System terminations
Queue performance table
Total Volume Report
Queue Metrics Summary Report
Queue Metrics Interval Report
Queue Chat Metrics Interval Report
NA No. of conversations that were terminated by the system in the queue NA
Start time NA The timestamp at which the conversation has started NA
Duration NA The time duration between the start and end of the conversation NA
Accepted Agent Chat Metrics Report
Queues & Agents – Agent performace table
Agent Metrics Daily Report
Queue Metrics Summary Report
Queue Metrics Interval Report
Queue Chat Metrics Interval Report
NA The chats that are Accepted by the Agent. NA
Not Accepted Agent Chat Metrics
Queues & Agents – Agent Performance table
NA Not answered by Agent
1. Came to agent Queue but did not answer
2. Rejected the conversation
Abandoned AgentChat Metrics
Queues & Agents – Queue and Chat performance tables
Queue Metrics Summary Report
NA Chat – user idle scenario
Voice – when a user ends the conversation while the agent puts it on hold
Average Duration Agent Chat Metrics Report
Total Volume Report
Queue Chat Metrics Interval Report
Queue Metrics Interval Report
(Sum of Total talk time) / Accepted Count The average total talk time of the agent during all the calls NA
Average First Response Time (FRT) Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
My Dashboard
Agent Chat Metrics Report
Monitor tab
The sum of (Time from acceptance by an agent to time of first greeting by Agent)/no. of answered conversations Average of (Time from acceptance by agent to time of first greeting by Agent.) NA
Automations Dashboard – Automations
Total Volumes Report
Dashboard – Interactions, Export
Interaction Details Reports
Call Details API
Monitor tab – Automations Filter
NA All the conversations that were completed without having to reach an agent NA
Dropoffs Dashboard – Automations
Total Volumes Report
Dashboard – Interactions, Export
Interaction Details Reports
Call Details API
Monitor tab – Automations Filter
Dropoffs –
invalid input is received for the entity nodes
no input for several Allowed Retries configurations (timeout prompts)
max number of retires reached configured for the entity node (error prompts)Chat:
A user left the conversation midway without completing any task – user dropoff
The task ended as a failure (failure node is executed) – system dropoff
The last interaction/message resulted in an ‘intent not identified’ scenario – system dropoff
No response from the assistant – system dropoff
Live conversation when you abandon the assistant
All the conversations where the end-user dropped off before the resolution NA
Agent Transfers Dashboard – Automations
Dashboard -> Queues & Agents
Dashboard – Interactions, Export
Total Volumes Report
Interaction Details Reports
Call Details API
Monitor tab – Automations Filter
NA All the conversations that were triggered to an agent and then accepted/ not accepted NA
Deflections Dashboard – Automations
Dashboard – Interactions, Export
Total Volumes Report
Interaction Details Reports
Call Details API
NA All the conversations that went to change of channel during a conversation NA
Assignments Interaction Details Report NA The number of times this conversation has been assigned to any agent, irrespective of the queue NA
Acceptances Interaction Details Report NA The number of times this conversation has been accepted by any agent, irrespective of the queue NA