To get a specific queue with the given streamId
and queueId
Method | GET |
Endpoints | https://{{host}}/agentassist/api/v1/public/{{streamId}}/queues/{id} |
Content Type | application/json |
Authorization | auth: {{JWT}} See How to generate the JWT Token. |
API Scope | Configuration |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description | Type |
host | Environment URL, for example, | string, required |
botId | botId or streamId. You can access it from the General Settings page of the bot. | string, required |
id | queueId. Can be taken from the /queues GET api. | string, required |
Sample Request
curl --location '' \ --header 'accept: application/json' \ --header 'accountId: 64dc99337ac0b4d3d684xxxx' \ --header 'auth: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhcHBJZCI6ImNzLTdlZjBkY2IwLTQ1ZTItNTY3YS1hYzMyLTkwNTA1NzdmMWIyYiJ9.7t145BjU0eZDdlnXYazmqkVT-8WpDIUgCquQM0Uxxxx' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data ''
Sample Response
When queueIds
are passed:
{ "isActive": true, "isDefault": true, "name": "Queue1", "isAdvancedRoutingEnabled": true, "description": "queue description", "orgId": "o-cff7fba7-ebf6-5b01-81a3-42bd24faxxxx", "createdBy": "u-f9e37b9c-66d5-5525-9df1-da0edbeaxxxx", "id": "qu-268eda9-ba47-4b03-ab29-d1909c38xxxx", "hoursOfOperation": { "name": "Default Hours of Operation(Auto Created)", "standardDays": { "frequency": "WEEKLY", "days": [ { "day": "SU", "start": "12:00 AM", "end": "11:00 PM" }, { "day": "MO", "start": "12:00 AM", "end": "11:59 PM" }, { "day": "TU", "start": "12:00 AM", "end": "11:59 PM" }, { "day": "WE", "start": "12:00 AM", "end": "10:27 PM" }, { "day": "TH", "start": "12:00 AM", "end": "9:18 PM" }, { "day": "FR", "start": "12:00 AM", "end": "11:59 PM" }, { "day": "SA", "start": "12:00 AM", "end": "11:59 PM" } ] }, "specialDays": { "frequency": "YEARLY", "days": [] }, "status": "ACTIVE", "lname": "default hours of operation(auto created)", "isDefault": true, "orgId": "o-ca23f4c5-cc3e-586d-90e6-8375bf2d54ab", "createdBy": "u-b19cd89e-6533-59af-b491-eec9bf8f8b9f", "timezone": "Asia/Kolkata", "createdByAId": "a-042a5b2-5255-48e9-b8ae-857b4d10751c", "iId": "st-3bf09bef-f979-5489-b337-f465bd5db1f4", "id": "637368eac0754269f0c8d09d" }, "agents": [ { "userId": "u-e8e22e03-fe32-5748-b830-02d161a3xxxx", "name": "Charlie Abraham", "isPreferredAgent": false, "hoursOfOperation": { "hoursOfOperationId": "h-e8e22e03-fe32-5748-b830-02d161a3xxxx", "name": "US West Coast" }, "skills": [ { "id": "s-e1e22e03-fe32-5748-b830-02d161a3xxxx", "name": "SILVER" }, { "id": "s-e1e22e03-fe32-5748-b830-02d161a3xxxx", "name": "GOLD" }, { "id": "s-e1e22e03-fe32-5748-b830-02d161a3xxxx", "name": "CLOSE ACCOUNT" } ] }, { "userId": "u-e8e22e03-fe32-5748-b830-02d161a3xxxx", "name": "Sandra Jones", "isPreferredAgent": true, "hoursOfOperation": { "hoursOfOperationId": "h-e8e22e03-fe32-5748-b830-02d161a3xxxx", "name": "US West Coast" }, "skills": [ { "id": "s-e1e22e03-fe32-5748-b830-02d161a3xxxx", "name": "SILVER" }, { "id": "s-e1e22e03-fe32-5748-b830-02d161a3xxxx", "name": "GOLD" }, { "id": "s-e1e22e03-fe32-5748-b830-02d161a3xxxx", "name": "UPDATE ACCOUNT" } ] } ], "skills": [ { "id": "5ff233123124xxxx", "name": "SILVER", "isExpireEnabled": true, "expireTime": { "min": 10, "sec": 20 }, "skillGroupName": "Test", "skillGroupColor": "#070707" }, { "id": "4df233123124xxxx", "name": "CLOSE ACCOUNT", "isExpireEnabled": false, "skillGroupName": "Test", "skillGroupColor": "#060606" } ], "agentGroups": [ { "id": "ag-ec83505-5152-494d-8071-3b68513cxxxx", "name": "Default Queue" }, { "id": "ag-ec83505-5152-494d-8071-3b68513cxxxx", "name": "Queue One" } ], "sourceAgentGroups": [ "ag-953194c-10c9-4ec3-976e-c64071bbxxxx", "ag-ed2182b-b004-4aa2-a194-2d5534c6xxxx" ], "advancedSettings": { "preferredAgentTimeout": { "min": 10, "sec": 20 }, "isSkillMatchEnabled": true, "isAffinityMatchEnabled": true } }