Introduction to SmartAssist
Minimum System and Browser Requirements
SmartAssist Lifecycle Management
SmartAssist Setup Guide
Sign Up for SmartAssist
Setup SmartAssist for Use With AgentAssist
Release Notes
Recent Updates
Previous Versions
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Flow Designer
Create Experience Flows
Navigate the Flow Designer
Experience Flow Nodes
Node Types
IVR Menu
IVR Digit Input
Conversational Input
Check Agent Availability
Check Business Hours
Message Prompt
Run Automation
Agent Transfer
Connect to API
Go to Flow
Deflect to Chat
Script Task
Set Queue
End Flow
Waiting Experience
Conversation Automation
Testing Widget
Use Cases
Questions & Answers

Account Management
Switch Account
Invite Developers to an Account
SmartAssist Routing
Skill Groups
Hours of Operation
Default Flows
User Management
Agent Groups
Agent Settings
Role Management
Agent Status
System Setup
Limitations With Accounts Using AudioCodes
Agent Transfer
Agent Forms
Language & Speech
Language Management
Voice Preferences
Hold Audio
Standard Responses
AgentAssist Settings
Widget Theming (Layout Customization)
Advanced Settings
Co-Browse Settings
Community WFM (Beta)
Automatic Conversation Summary (Beta)
Intelligent Agent Tools
Translation Configuration
API Reference
API Setup
Rate Limits
API List
Genesys Voice Bot
Genesys + Kore Voice Automation - Manual Installation Guide
Voice Automation - Integration with Amazon Connect
Voice Automation NiceCX (CX One) - SIP Integration
Talkdesk Voice Automation
Kore Voice Automation (IVA) Integration with Zoom Contact Center (CC)
ID R&D Integration With Kore
Audit Report

Agent Console
Conversation Tray
Incoming Interactions
Interacting with Customers
Additional Tools
My Dashboard

SmartAssist Metrics
Queues and Agents
Monitor Queues, Agents, Interactions, and Service Levels
Manage Layout

Reports List

Contact Volume API

To retrieve call volume details associated with a specified collection point for a given interval, including fields mapped to specific field names relevant to the Workforce Management (WFM) client.

Method POST
Endpoint https://{{host}}/agentassist/api/public/analytics/account/{{Accountid}}/callvolume
Content-Type application/json
Authorization auth: {{JWT}}

See How to generate the JWT Token.

API Scope WFM Integration

Path Parameters

Parameter Description Type
host Environment URL, for example, string, required
AccountId The unique Id associated with the account. string, required

Sample Request

curl --location 'https://{{host}}/agentassist/api/public/analytics/account/636f5b36bcf8a8c7101exxxx/callvolume' \
--header 'auth: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhcHBJZCI6ImNzLWNhYzQ3NGEzLTBhYTktNWM2Yi1iMzA2LTMyNjNhM2E1YWQxYSJ9.W5HbU67WJ4YNaWtkZJsyLkxvq8nnK3sHb3StnUCxxxx' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "orgId": "o-01aedac2-26fb-5bdb-bb0f-f71292caxxxx",
    "fromTimeStamp": "2023-01-07T09:45:00Z",
    "toTimeStamp": "2023-01-08T10:00:00Z",
    "skip": 0,
    "limit": 2

Request Body Parameters

Parameter Description Type
orgId The organization ID associated with the account. String, Required
fromTimeStamp Start date and time in ISO format (for example, 2023-01-07T09:45:00Z).
Note: This is only optional if you want to fetch call records starting from the first available record for initial syncs.
String, Optional
toTimeStamp End date and time in ISO format (for example, 2023-01-08T10:00:00Z). String, Required
skip The number of results to skip for pagination. The default is 0. Number, Optional
limit Specifies the number of contact records to retrieve (for example, 2). Number, Optional

Sample Response

    "hasMore": false,
    "CallVolumeUpdate": [
            "_id": "647868bfc0cf4c7b7671xxxx",
            "intervalStartTimeStamp": "2023-06-01T09:45:00.000Z",
            "orgId": "o-8aa0607b-1d81-504a-9eb2-5a39f133xxxx",
            "queueId": "qu-6c47543-19ca-49ac-a085-2292bba5xxxx",
            "source": "rtm",
            "__v": 0,
            "intervalEndTimeStamp": "2023-06-01T10:00:00.000Z",
            "offeredContacts": 1,
            "answeredContacts": 1,
            "maxQueueHoldTimeAnswered": 34035,
            "queueHoldTimeAnswered": 34035,
            "acwDuration": 3949,
            "completedContacts": 1,
            "conversationHandleTime": 68043,
            "conversationTalkTime": 64094,
            "holdDuration": 0,
            "messageCount": 0,
            "savedMessageCount": 0,
            "csatResponses": 1,
            "csatScore": 1,
            "abandonedContacts": 1,
            "maxqueueHoldTimeAbandoned": 180150,
            "queueHoldTimeAbandoned": 180150,
            "iId": "st-b6ff0557-e54b-5ac1-946f-2b003d9exxxx",
            "queueName": "custom day"
    "totalCount": 1

Body Parameters

Parameter Description Type
hasMore Indicates if there are more records to fetch. Boolean
CallVolumeUpdate List of objects representing individual call volume updates. Array
CallVolumeUpdate._id Unique identifier for the call volume record. String
CallVolumeUpdate.intervalStartTimeStamp Start time of the interval in ISO 8601 format. String
CallVolumeUpdate.intervalEndTimeStamp End time of the interval in ISO 8601 format. String
CallVolumeUpdate.orgId Organization ID associated with the call volume data. String
CallVolumeUpdate.queueId Queue ID where the calls were handled. String
CallVolumeUpdate.source The source of the data, for example, “rtm” (real-time monitoring). String
CallVolumeUpdate.__v Version key for the database document. For example, 0. Integer
CallVolumeUpdate.offeredContacts Number of contacts (calls) offered to the queue during the interval. Integer
CallVolumeUpdate.answeredContacts Number of contacts that were answered during the interval. Integer
CallVolumeUpdate.maxQueueHoldTimeAnswered Maximum hold time in seconds for answered contacts. Integer
CallVolumeUpdate.queueHoldTimeAnswered Total queue hold time in seconds for answered contacts. Integer
CallVolumeUpdate.acwDuration After-call work duration in seconds. Integer
CallVolumeUpdate.completedContacts Number of contacts that were completed during the interval. Integer
CallVolumeUpdate.conversationHandleTime Total handle time of the conversation in seconds. Integer
CallVolumeUpdate.conversationTalkTime Total talk time during the conversation in seconds. Integer
CallVolumeUpdate.holdDuration Total hold duration in seconds during the call. Integer
CallVolumeUpdate.messageCount Number of messages exchanged during the conversation. Integer
CallVolumeUpdate.savedMessageCount Number of messages that were saved during the conversation. Integer
CallVolumeUpdate.csatResponses Number of Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) survey responses collected. Integer
CallVolumeUpdate.csatScore CSAT score from customer feedback. (for example, 4). Integer
CallVolumeUpdate.abandonedContacts Number of contacts that were abandoned during the interval. Integer
CallVolumeUpdate.maxqueueHoldTimeAbandoned Maximum hold time in seconds for abandoned contacts. Integer
CallVolumeUpdate.queueHoldTimeAbandoned Total queue hold time in seconds for abandoned contacts. Integer
CallVolumeUpdate.iId Unique instance ID for tracking the call or interaction. String
CallVolumeUpdate.queueName Name of the queue where the call or interaction took place. String


Contact Volume API

To retrieve call volume details associated with a specified collection point for a given interval, including fields mapped to specific field names relevant to the Workforce Management (WFM) client.

Method POST
Endpoint https://{{host}}/agentassist/api/public/analytics/account/{{Accountid}}/callvolume
Content-Type application/json
Authorization auth: {{JWT}}

See How to generate the JWT Token.

API Scope WFM Integration

Path Parameters

Parameter Description Type
host Environment URL, for example, string, required
AccountId The unique Id associated with the account. string, required

Sample Request

curl --location 'https://{{host}}/agentassist/api/public/analytics/account/636f5b36bcf8a8c7101exxxx/callvolume' \
--header 'auth: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhcHBJZCI6ImNzLWNhYzQ3NGEzLTBhYTktNWM2Yi1iMzA2LTMyNjNhM2E1YWQxYSJ9.W5HbU67WJ4YNaWtkZJsyLkxvq8nnK3sHb3StnUCxxxx' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "orgId": "o-01aedac2-26fb-5bdb-bb0f-f71292caxxxx",
    "fromTimeStamp": "2023-01-07T09:45:00Z",
    "toTimeStamp": "2023-01-08T10:00:00Z",
    "skip": 0,
    "limit": 2

Request Body Parameters

Parameter Description Type
orgId The organization ID associated with the account. String, Required
fromTimeStamp Start date and time in ISO format (for example, 2023-01-07T09:45:00Z).
Note: This is only optional if you want to fetch call records starting from the first available record for initial syncs.
String, Optional
toTimeStamp End date and time in ISO format (for example, 2023-01-08T10:00:00Z). String, Required
skip The number of results to skip for pagination. The default is 0. Number, Optional
limit Specifies the number of contact records to retrieve (for example, 2). Number, Optional

Sample Response

    "hasMore": false,
    "CallVolumeUpdate": [
            "_id": "647868bfc0cf4c7b7671xxxx",
            "intervalStartTimeStamp": "2023-06-01T09:45:00.000Z",
            "orgId": "o-8aa0607b-1d81-504a-9eb2-5a39f133xxxx",
            "queueId": "qu-6c47543-19ca-49ac-a085-2292bba5xxxx",
            "source": "rtm",
            "__v": 0,
            "intervalEndTimeStamp": "2023-06-01T10:00:00.000Z",
            "offeredContacts": 1,
            "answeredContacts": 1,
            "maxQueueHoldTimeAnswered": 34035,
            "queueHoldTimeAnswered": 34035,
            "acwDuration": 3949,
            "completedContacts": 1,
            "conversationHandleTime": 68043,
            "conversationTalkTime": 64094,
            "holdDuration": 0,
            "messageCount": 0,
            "savedMessageCount": 0,
            "csatResponses": 1,
            "csatScore": 1,
            "abandonedContacts": 1,
            "maxqueueHoldTimeAbandoned": 180150,
            "queueHoldTimeAbandoned": 180150,
            "iId": "st-b6ff0557-e54b-5ac1-946f-2b003d9exxxx",
            "queueName": "custom day"
    "totalCount": 1

Body Parameters

Parameter Description Type
hasMore Indicates if there are more records to fetch. Boolean
CallVolumeUpdate List of objects representing individual call volume updates. Array
CallVolumeUpdate._id Unique identifier for the call volume record. String
CallVolumeUpdate.intervalStartTimeStamp Start time of the interval in ISO 8601 format. String
CallVolumeUpdate.intervalEndTimeStamp End time of the interval in ISO 8601 format. String
CallVolumeUpdate.orgId Organization ID associated with the call volume data. String
CallVolumeUpdate.queueId Queue ID where the calls were handled. String
CallVolumeUpdate.source The source of the data, for example, “rtm” (real-time monitoring). String
CallVolumeUpdate.__v Version key for the database document. For example, 0. Integer
CallVolumeUpdate.offeredContacts Number of contacts (calls) offered to the queue during the interval. Integer
CallVolumeUpdate.answeredContacts Number of contacts that were answered during the interval. Integer
CallVolumeUpdate.maxQueueHoldTimeAnswered Maximum hold time in seconds for answered contacts. Integer
CallVolumeUpdate.queueHoldTimeAnswered Total queue hold time in seconds for answered contacts. Integer
CallVolumeUpdate.acwDuration After-call work duration in seconds. Integer
CallVolumeUpdate.completedContacts Number of contacts that were completed during the interval. Integer
CallVolumeUpdate.conversationHandleTime Total handle time of the conversation in seconds. Integer
CallVolumeUpdate.conversationTalkTime Total talk time during the conversation in seconds. Integer
CallVolumeUpdate.holdDuration Total hold duration in seconds during the call. Integer
CallVolumeUpdate.messageCount Number of messages exchanged during the conversation. Integer
CallVolumeUpdate.savedMessageCount Number of messages that were saved during the conversation. Integer
CallVolumeUpdate.csatResponses Number of Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) survey responses collected. Integer
CallVolumeUpdate.csatScore CSAT score from customer feedback. (for example, 4). Integer
CallVolumeUpdate.abandonedContacts Number of contacts that were abandoned during the interval. Integer
CallVolumeUpdate.maxqueueHoldTimeAbandoned Maximum hold time in seconds for abandoned contacts. Integer
CallVolumeUpdate.queueHoldTimeAbandoned Total queue hold time in seconds for abandoned contacts. Integer
CallVolumeUpdate.iId Unique instance ID for tracking the call or interaction. String
CallVolumeUpdate.queueName Name of the queue where the call or interaction took place. String