SearchAssist Overview
SearchAssist Introduction
Onboarding SearchAssist
Build your first App
Release Notes
What's new in SearchAssist
Previous Versions

Managing Sources
Web Pages
Structured Data 
Introduction to Connectors
SharePoint Connector
Confluence Cloud Connector
Confluence Server Connector
Zendesk Connector
ServiceNow Connector
Salesforce Connector
Azure Storage Connector
Google Drive Connector
Dropbox Connector
Oracle Knowledge Connector
DotCMS Connector
Virtual Assistants
Managing Indices
Index Fields
Introduction to Workbench
Field Mapping
Entity Extraction
Traits Extraction
Keyword Extraction
Exclude Document
Semantic Meaning
Snippet Extraction
Custom LLM Prompts
Index Settings
Index Languages
Managing Chunks
Chunk Browser
Managing Relevance
Stop Words
Search Relevance
Spell Correction
Prefix Search
Custom Configurations
Personalizing Results
Answer Snippets
Extractive Model
Generative Model
Enabling Both Models
Simulation and Testing
Best Practices and Points to Remember
Troubleshooting Answers
Answer Snippets Support Across Content Sources
Result Ranking
Business Rules
Contextual Rules
NLP Rules
Small Talk
Bot Actions
Designing Search Experience
Search Interface
Result Templates
Preview and Test
Debug Tool
Running Experiments
Analyzing Search Performance
User Engagement
Search Insights
Result Insights
Answer Insights

General Settings
OpenAI Integration
Azure OpenAI Integration
Custom Integration
Billing and Usage
Plan Details
Usage Logs
Order and Invoices

SearchAssist APIs
API Introduction
API List

SearchAssist SDK

Use Custom Fields to Filter Search Results and Answers
Add Custom Metadata to Ingested Content
Write Painless Scripts
Configure Business Rules for Generative Answers

Chunks API

Get Chunks 

This API is used to retrieve all the chunks from the SearchAssist application corresponding to the input parameters. 

Method POST
Endpoint <host_url>/searchassistapi/external/stream/<streamId>/chunks
Request Headers Content-Type: application/json

Auth: <JWT Token>

Content-Type application/json
Authorization auth: <JWT Token>
API Scope   Chunks

Query Parameters:

streamID: Provide your application ID here. 

indexPipelineId: Provide the IndexConfiguration Id here. 

enableFilters: This is a boolean field that enables or disables the filters. When set to false, the filters in the request body are ignored. 

Request Parameters:

Parameters Description Mandatory
search This is the search query corresponding to which chunks are retrieved.  No
Skip  Number of records to be skipped from the beginning. This is useful when there are a lot of records matching the query and you need to fetch responses in parts.   No. When not provided, the default value of 0 is used. 
Limit This is the number of records to be fetched as a response to the API call, starting with a record after the skip count. No. When not provided, the default value of 50 is used.
docId Unique Document ID corresponding to which the chunks are to be retrieved.  No
pageNumber Page number of the document corresponding to which the chunks are to be retrieved. This is used along with docId to get chunks from a specific page of a document.   No 
filters Conditions to filter out a set of chunks. This field takes two parameters:
– operand – logical operator to be used between the conditions specified. – conditions – conditions to filter out chunks. For example, to fetch chunks for all the content from Google Drive Cloud Storage, add filter as shown below.
“filters”: {    “operand”: “OR”,    “conditions”: [ {          “key”: “sourceName”,          “op”: “equals”,          “value”: “Gdrive content”



          “key”: “sourceType”,

          “op”: “equals”,

          “value”: “googleDrive”



You can add filters corresponding to all the chunk fields available in the Chunk Browser. Refer to this for more details


Sample Request


  "search": "mutual funds",

  "skip": 0,

  "limit": 10,

  "docId": "d-23450-354432-45432340-345",

  "pageNumber": 2,

  "filters": {

    "operand": "AND",

    "conditions": []


Get Chunk By ID

This API is used to retrieve a specific chunk from the SearchAssist application. 

Method GET
Endpoint <host_url>/searchassistapi/external/stream/<streamId>/chunks/{chunkId}
Request Headers Content-Type: application/json

Auth: <JWT Token>

Content-Type application/json
Authorization auth: <JWT Token>
API Scope Chunks

 Query Parameters:

streamId: Provide your application ID here. 

chunkId: Provide the chunk ID here. 

Sample Response

    "data": [
            "sourceId": "fs-ce0dc13c-f764-4656-a324-ab1f8f27e6fe",
            "recordTitle": "Reasons to choose SearchAssist.pdf",
            "pageNumber": 2,
            "docId": "fc-c9b75cc4-a664-571b-b757-8091575f1004",
            "recordUrl": "$$#page=2",
            "searchIndexId": "sidx-ba5fe733-341e-5233-8ab2-eac7ec881ea3",
            "sourceAcl": [
            "chunkType": "Text",
            "chunkId": "chk-396cd9af-d4c7-40cc-8ed8-f3211861d268",
            "createdOn": "2024-05-05T11:58:20.246828988Z",
            "chunkContent": "recordTitle : Reasons to choose SearchAssist.pdf; chunkText :    Knowledge, document/file and content databases as well as geospatial data    Federated search (SharePoint, Box, Google Drive, content management systems)    Instant messages and multimedia content (metadata search) is a global leader in the conversational AI platform and solutions helping enterprises automate front and back office business interactions to deliver extraordinary experiences for their customers, agents, and employees. More than 350 Fortune 2000 companies trust Experience Optimization (XO) Platform and technology to automate their business interactions for millions of users worldwide to achieve extraordinary business outcomes.; ",
            "chunkText": "   Knowledge, document/file and content databases as well as geospatial data    Federated search (SharePoint, Box, Google Drive, content management systems) is a global leader in the conversational AI platform and solutions helping enterprises automate front and back office business interactions to deliver extraordinary experiences for their customers, agents, and employees. More than 350 Fortune 2000 companies trust Experience Optimization (XO) Platform and technology to automate their business interactions for millions of users worldwide to achieve extraordinary business outcomes.",
            "sourceUrl": "$$",
            "sourceType": "file",
            "chunkMeta": {},
            "chunkTitle": "",
            "extractionMethod": "text",
            "sourceName": "Default",
            "extractionStrategy": ""

Update Chunk By Id

This API is used to update a specific chunk in the SearchAssist application. 

Method PUT
Endpoint <host_url>/searchassistapi/external/stream/<streamId>/chunks/{chunkId}
Request Headers Content-Type: application/json

Auth: <JWT Token>

Content-Type application/json
Authorization auth: <JWT Token>
API Scope Chunks

 Query Parameters:

streamId: Provide your application ID here. 

chunkId: Provide the chunk ID for the chunk to be updated. 

indexPipelineId: Index configuration ID

Request Parameters:

You can update all the fields of a chunk except the following fields: ‘chunkId’, ‘searchIndexId’, ‘docId’, ‘indexPipelineId’, ‘sourceId’, ‘createdOn’, ‘modifiedOn’. 

Sample Request 

  "chunkContent": "recordTitle : India Holiday List 2023.pdf; chunkText : cjhdvbejshvjnjkijk bhjn;",
  "chunkId": "chk-9876-9876-8760-8765",
  "chunkText": "3/31/22, 8:42 AM Nonprofits and Cryptocurrency | PNC Insights 5/5   investment management activities conducted by PNC Capital Advisors, LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser and wholly-owned subsidiary of PNC Bank. PNC does not provide legal, tax, or accounting advice unless, with respect to tax advice, PNC Bank has entered into a written tax services agreement. PNC Bank is not registered as a municipal advisor under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.   "PNC Institutional Asset Management" is a registered mark of The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc.    Investments: Not FDIC Insured. No Bank Guarantee. May Lose Value.",
  "chunkTitle": "chk-9876-9876-8760-8765",
  "chunkType": "Text",
  "createdOn": "2024-02-20T05:37:34.697576166Z",
  "docId": "fc-fc891fac-c2b7-521f-aff9-26b17b202ceb",
  "extractionMethod": "text",
  "modifiedOn": "2024-02-21T05:37:34.697576166Z",
  "pageNumber": 2,
  "recordTitle": "India Holiday List 2023.pdf",
  "recordUrl": "$#page=1",
  "searchIndexId": "sidx-4a3aacb7-1c70-54eb-a7f6-e90a1ccbb75f",
  "sourceId": "fs-f482cfc3-1b6e-5a44-b987-5330977d3aaf",
  "sourceName": "Default",
  "sourceType": "$",
  "chunkMeta": {},
  "_id": "VE8FxY0BFgynVx3EExRF"

Adding a new field while updating a Chunk

While updating a chunk, if a new field is added, it is added as a field in the existing chunkMeta field. For example, assume the sample request is as shown below where along with updating the recordTitle for a chunk, a new field is added for the editor information. 

    "recordTitle": "Reasons to choose SearchAssist.pdf",
    "Editor": ""

In the above case, the new field added above would be stored in the corresponding chunk as shown below.

  "chunkMeta": {
      "Editor": ""

Chunks API

Get Chunks 

This API is used to retrieve all the chunks from the SearchAssist application corresponding to the input parameters. 

Method POST
Endpoint <host_url>/searchassistapi/external/stream/<streamId>/chunks
Request Headers Content-Type: application/json

Auth: <JWT Token>

Content-Type application/json
Authorization auth: <JWT Token>
API Scope   Chunks

Query Parameters:

streamID: Provide your application ID here. 

indexPipelineId: Provide the IndexConfiguration Id here. 

enableFilters: This is a boolean field that enables or disables the filters. When set to false, the filters in the request body are ignored. 

Request Parameters:

Parameters Description Mandatory
search This is the search query corresponding to which chunks are retrieved.  No
Skip  Number of records to be skipped from the beginning. This is useful when there are a lot of records matching the query and you need to fetch responses in parts.   No. When not provided, the default value of 0 is used. 
Limit This is the number of records to be fetched as a response to the API call, starting with a record after the skip count. No. When not provided, the default value of 50 is used.
docId Unique Document ID corresponding to which the chunks are to be retrieved.  No
pageNumber Page number of the document corresponding to which the chunks are to be retrieved. This is used along with docId to get chunks from a specific page of a document.   No 
filters Conditions to filter out a set of chunks. This field takes two parameters:
– operand – logical operator to be used between the conditions specified. – conditions – conditions to filter out chunks. For example, to fetch chunks for all the content from Google Drive Cloud Storage, add filter as shown below.
“filters”: {    “operand”: “OR”,    “conditions”: [ {          “key”: “sourceName”,          “op”: “equals”,          “value”: “Gdrive content”



          “key”: “sourceType”,

          “op”: “equals”,

          “value”: “googleDrive”



You can add filters corresponding to all the chunk fields available in the Chunk Browser. Refer to this for more details


Sample Request


  "search": "mutual funds",

  "skip": 0,

  "limit": 10,

  "docId": "d-23450-354432-45432340-345",

  "pageNumber": 2,

  "filters": {

    "operand": "AND",

    "conditions": []


Get Chunk By ID

This API is used to retrieve a specific chunk from the SearchAssist application. 

Method GET
Endpoint <host_url>/searchassistapi/external/stream/<streamId>/chunks/{chunkId}
Request Headers Content-Type: application/json

Auth: <JWT Token>

Content-Type application/json
Authorization auth: <JWT Token>
API Scope Chunks

 Query Parameters:

streamId: Provide your application ID here. 

chunkId: Provide the chunk ID here. 

Sample Response

    "data": [
            "sourceId": "fs-ce0dc13c-f764-4656-a324-ab1f8f27e6fe",
            "recordTitle": "Reasons to choose SearchAssist.pdf",
            "pageNumber": 2,
            "docId": "fc-c9b75cc4-a664-571b-b757-8091575f1004",
            "recordUrl": "$$#page=2",
            "searchIndexId": "sidx-ba5fe733-341e-5233-8ab2-eac7ec881ea3",
            "sourceAcl": [
            "chunkType": "Text",
            "chunkId": "chk-396cd9af-d4c7-40cc-8ed8-f3211861d268",
            "createdOn": "2024-05-05T11:58:20.246828988Z",
            "chunkContent": "recordTitle : Reasons to choose SearchAssist.pdf; chunkText :    Knowledge, document/file and content databases as well as geospatial data    Federated search (SharePoint, Box, Google Drive, content management systems)    Instant messages and multimedia content (metadata search) is a global leader in the conversational AI platform and solutions helping enterprises automate front and back office business interactions to deliver extraordinary experiences for their customers, agents, and employees. More than 350 Fortune 2000 companies trust Experience Optimization (XO) Platform and technology to automate their business interactions for millions of users worldwide to achieve extraordinary business outcomes.; ",
            "chunkText": "   Knowledge, document/file and content databases as well as geospatial data    Federated search (SharePoint, Box, Google Drive, content management systems) is a global leader in the conversational AI platform and solutions helping enterprises automate front and back office business interactions to deliver extraordinary experiences for their customers, agents, and employees. More than 350 Fortune 2000 companies trust Experience Optimization (XO) Platform and technology to automate their business interactions for millions of users worldwide to achieve extraordinary business outcomes.",
            "sourceUrl": "$$",
            "sourceType": "file",
            "chunkMeta": {},
            "chunkTitle": "",
            "extractionMethod": "text",
            "sourceName": "Default",
            "extractionStrategy": ""

Update Chunk By Id

This API is used to update a specific chunk in the SearchAssist application. 

Method PUT
Endpoint <host_url>/searchassistapi/external/stream/<streamId>/chunks/{chunkId}
Request Headers Content-Type: application/json

Auth: <JWT Token>

Content-Type application/json
Authorization auth: <JWT Token>
API Scope Chunks

 Query Parameters:

streamId: Provide your application ID here. 

chunkId: Provide the chunk ID for the chunk to be updated. 

indexPipelineId: Index configuration ID

Request Parameters:

You can update all the fields of a chunk except the following fields: ‘chunkId’, ‘searchIndexId’, ‘docId’, ‘indexPipelineId’, ‘sourceId’, ‘createdOn’, ‘modifiedOn’. 

Sample Request 

  "chunkContent": "recordTitle : India Holiday List 2023.pdf; chunkText : cjhdvbejshvjnjkijk bhjn;",
  "chunkId": "chk-9876-9876-8760-8765",
  "chunkText": "3/31/22, 8:42 AM Nonprofits and Cryptocurrency | PNC Insights 5/5   investment management activities conducted by PNC Capital Advisors, LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser and wholly-owned subsidiary of PNC Bank. PNC does not provide legal, tax, or accounting advice unless, with respect to tax advice, PNC Bank has entered into a written tax services agreement. PNC Bank is not registered as a municipal advisor under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.   "PNC Institutional Asset Management" is a registered mark of The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc.    Investments: Not FDIC Insured. No Bank Guarantee. May Lose Value.",
  "chunkTitle": "chk-9876-9876-8760-8765",
  "chunkType": "Text",
  "createdOn": "2024-02-20T05:37:34.697576166Z",
  "docId": "fc-fc891fac-c2b7-521f-aff9-26b17b202ceb",
  "extractionMethod": "text",
  "modifiedOn": "2024-02-21T05:37:34.697576166Z",
  "pageNumber": 2,
  "recordTitle": "India Holiday List 2023.pdf",
  "recordUrl": "$#page=1",
  "searchIndexId": "sidx-4a3aacb7-1c70-54eb-a7f6-e90a1ccbb75f",
  "sourceId": "fs-f482cfc3-1b6e-5a44-b987-5330977d3aaf",
  "sourceName": "Default",
  "sourceType": "$",
  "chunkMeta": {},
  "_id": "VE8FxY0BFgynVx3EExRF"

Adding a new field while updating a Chunk

While updating a chunk, if a new field is added, it is added as a field in the existing chunkMeta field. For example, assume the sample request is as shown below where along with updating the recordTitle for a chunk, a new field is added for the editor information. 

    "recordTitle": "Reasons to choose SearchAssist.pdf",
    "Editor": ""

In the above case, the new field added above would be stored in the corresponding chunk as shown below.

  "chunkMeta": {
      "Editor": ""