SearchAssist Overview
SearchAssist Introduction
Onboarding SearchAssist
Build your first App
Release Notes
What's new in SearchAssist
Previous Versions

Managing Sources
Web Pages
Structured Data 
Introduction to Connectors
SharePoint Connector
Confluence Cloud Connector
Confluence Server Connector
Zendesk Connector
ServiceNow Connector
Salesforce Connector
Azure Storage Connector
Google Drive Connector
Dropbox Connector
Oracle Knowledge Connector
DotCMS Connector
Virtual Assistants
Managing Indices
Index Fields
Introduction to Workbench
Field Mapping
Entity Extraction
Traits Extraction
Keyword Extraction
Exclude Document
Semantic Meaning
Snippet Extraction
Custom LLM Prompts
Index Settings
Index Languages
Managing Chunks
Chunk Browser
Managing Relevance
Stop Words
Search Relevance
Spell Correction
Prefix Search
Custom Configurations
Personalizing Results
Answer Snippets
Extractive Model
Generative Model
Enabling Both Models
Simulation and Testing
Best Practices and Points to Remember
Troubleshooting Answers
Answer Snippets Support Across Content Sources
Result Ranking
Business Rules
Contextual Rules
NLP Rules
Small Talk
Bot Actions
Designing Search Experience
Search Interface
Result Templates
Preview and Test
Debug Tool
Running Experiments
Analyzing Search Performance
User Engagement
Search Insights
Result Insights
Answer Insights

General Settings
OpenAI Integration
Azure OpenAI Integration
Custom Integration
Billing and Usage
Plan Details
Usage Logs
Order and Invoices

SearchAssist APIs
API Introduction
API List

SearchAssist SDK

Use Custom Fields to Filter Search Results and Answers
Add Custom Metadata to Ingested Content
Write Painless Scripts
Configure Business Rules for Generative Answers

Confluence Cloud Connector

To integrate SearchAssist with Confluence Cloud, you need to 

  • Create an OAuth 2.0 integration on the Atlassian developer portal.
  • Configure the connector in SearchAssist with the OAuth 2.0 integration details.


Type of Repository  Cloud
Supported API version REST API v1
Search Results Support Only manually created Knowledge articles in Confluence. 
Extractive Model for Answers  Knowledge Articles
Generative Model for Answers Knowledge Articles
Note: Searching through any other types of uploaded content like PDF files,  docs, and images is not supported.

Configuring OAuth application on Confluence Cloud


To create an OAuth 2.0 integration on the Confluence cloud, you need the following:   

  1. An admin account in Atlassian’s Confluence.
  2. A target domain.

Note: Currently SearchAssist supports searching through only manually created pages in Confluence and does not search through any other types of uploaded content like PDF files,  docs, and images. 

Steps to create the OAuth application

  • Sign into your developer account in the Atlassian developer portal. Click on the profile name at the top right corner and navigate to the Developer Console.

  • The developer console will list all your apps.

  • Click the Create button and select OAuth 2.0 Integration.

  • Provide a name for the application and click Create.

  • Once the application is created, you can update its name, description from the Settings tab. You can also add an avatar for the application. Update the settings and click Save changes.

  • The next step is to grant the necessary permissions. Go to the Permissions tab. Add the following scopes:
    • User Identity API
    • Confluence API

  • For the User Identity API, to add the permissions, click the config link.

  • On the following page, click the Edit Scopes button.

  • Grant the following permissions and click Save
    • Read:me
    • Read:account

  • Similarly, for Confluence API, go to the Granular Scopes and click Edit Scopes. Add a read operation filter, select all the filtered permissions, and click Save.  

  • After adding permissions, go to Settings and find the Client ID and Secret at the end of the page. Save these fields as these will be used for configuring the SearchAssist connector in the next step.

  • We also need the Host URL in Confluence for configuring the SearchAssist Connector.  To fetch this field, go to your Confluence home page and click on Profile.

  • Go to the Products tab.  

The host URL will be displayed at the bottom of the page.

Configuring SearchAssist Connector

To complete the integration, do the following configuration on the SearchAssist application. 

  • Go to Connectors under the Sources tab.

  • The following page provides instructions for the integration. Click Proceed.
  • Next, provide the details of the OAuth 2.0 application created on Confluence, click Connect, and authorize the connection.
Fields Description
Name  Name for the connector
Client ID Client ID of the OAuth application created on Confluence, as fetched in the last step above.
Client Secret Client secret generated for communication with Confluence. 
Host URL  The confluence server base URL  (without trailing slash), as fetched from the Confluence in the last step.

Once the authorization process is complete,  you can select the content to be ingested into the application and initiate synchronization. Go to the Sync Settings tab and select the content. You can choose to sync all the content from the Confluence Cloud account or select specific content.  Configure the content to be ingested and click Synchronize. You can also set a scheduler here for automatic content synchronization at regular intervals.

Defining Rules to select specific content for ingestion

Select Sync Specific Content and click on the Configure link in the Sync Settings tab to ingest specific content. 

You can now define rules to select the content. Each rule can be defined using a parameter, operator, and its values. 

The Parameter field can take one of the following values:

  • Ancestor: Affects the direct child pages/content and descendants of the given content IDs as value. 
  • Content: Affects the content defined using content ID only. 
  • Created: Affects the content with the given creation date. It takes Date as values in the following format “yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm”, “yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm”, “yyyy/mm/dd”, “yyyy-MM-dd”
  • Creator: Affects the content created by the User account IDs provided as values. 
  • Label: Affects the content by its label. 
  • Parent: Affects the content under a given parent. 
  • ID: Affects the content based on its content ID. 
  • Space: Affects the content based on the space that it is available in.
  • Title: Define the rule using the title of the pages
  • User: Define the rule using userId 

The Operator field can take different values depending upon the parameter selected like equals to, not equals to, contains, etc. 

The value field is used for providing the value as per the parameter.

For instance, you can choose all the pages and sub-pages under a given ancestor using the following rule.

Similarly, to selectively ingest only the pages created or modified after Jan 1, 2024, you can configure the rule as shown below.


  • You can define more than one condition to choose different types of content from the connector using the OR operator. 
  • Every rule can have one or more conditions to select a subset of content using the AND operator. For example, to ingest the latest content created after Jan 1, 2024 and having the word ‘SearchAssist’ in its title, define the rule as:

Confluence Cloud Connector

To integrate SearchAssist with Confluence Cloud, you need to 

  • Create an OAuth 2.0 integration on the Atlassian developer portal.
  • Configure the connector in SearchAssist with the OAuth 2.0 integration details.


Type of Repository  Cloud
Supported API version REST API v1
Search Results Support Only manually created Knowledge articles in Confluence. 
Extractive Model for Answers  Knowledge Articles
Generative Model for Answers Knowledge Articles
Note: Searching through any other types of uploaded content like PDF files,  docs, and images is not supported.

Configuring OAuth application on Confluence Cloud


To create an OAuth 2.0 integration on the Confluence cloud, you need the following:   

  1. An admin account in Atlassian’s Confluence.
  2. A target domain.

Note: Currently SearchAssist supports searching through only manually created pages in Confluence and does not search through any other types of uploaded content like PDF files,  docs, and images. 

Steps to create the OAuth application

  • Sign into your developer account in the Atlassian developer portal. Click on the profile name at the top right corner and navigate to the Developer Console.

  • The developer console will list all your apps.

  • Click the Create button and select OAuth 2.0 Integration.

  • Provide a name for the application and click Create.

  • Once the application is created, you can update its name, description from the Settings tab. You can also add an avatar for the application. Update the settings and click Save changes.

  • The next step is to grant the necessary permissions. Go to the Permissions tab. Add the following scopes:
    • User Identity API
    • Confluence API

  • For the User Identity API, to add the permissions, click the config link.

  • On the following page, click the Edit Scopes button.

  • Grant the following permissions and click Save
    • Read:me
    • Read:account

  • Similarly, for Confluence API, go to the Granular Scopes and click Edit Scopes. Add a read operation filter, select all the filtered permissions, and click Save.  

  • After adding permissions, go to Settings and find the Client ID and Secret at the end of the page. Save these fields as these will be used for configuring the SearchAssist connector in the next step.

  • We also need the Host URL in Confluence for configuring the SearchAssist Connector.  To fetch this field, go to your Confluence home page and click on Profile.

  • Go to the Products tab.  

The host URL will be displayed at the bottom of the page.

Configuring SearchAssist Connector

To complete the integration, do the following configuration on the SearchAssist application. 

  • Go to Connectors under the Sources tab.

  • The following page provides instructions for the integration. Click Proceed.
  • Next, provide the details of the OAuth 2.0 application created on Confluence, click Connect, and authorize the connection.
Fields Description
Name  Name for the connector
Client ID Client ID of the OAuth application created on Confluence, as fetched in the last step above.
Client Secret Client secret generated for communication with Confluence. 
Host URL  The confluence server base URL  (without trailing slash), as fetched from the Confluence in the last step.

Once the authorization process is complete,  you can select the content to be ingested into the application and initiate synchronization. Go to the Sync Settings tab and select the content. You can choose to sync all the content from the Confluence Cloud account or select specific content.  Configure the content to be ingested and click Synchronize. You can also set a scheduler here for automatic content synchronization at regular intervals.

Defining Rules to select specific content for ingestion

Select Sync Specific Content and click on the Configure link in the Sync Settings tab to ingest specific content. 

You can now define rules to select the content. Each rule can be defined using a parameter, operator, and its values. 

The Parameter field can take one of the following values:

  • Ancestor: Affects the direct child pages/content and descendants of the given content IDs as value. 
  • Content: Affects the content defined using content ID only. 
  • Created: Affects the content with the given creation date. It takes Date as values in the following format “yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm”, “yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm”, “yyyy/mm/dd”, “yyyy-MM-dd”
  • Creator: Affects the content created by the User account IDs provided as values. 
  • Label: Affects the content by its label. 
  • Parent: Affects the content under a given parent. 
  • ID: Affects the content based on its content ID. 
  • Space: Affects the content based on the space that it is available in.
  • Title: Define the rule using the title of the pages
  • User: Define the rule using userId 

The Operator field can take different values depending upon the parameter selected like equals to, not equals to, contains, etc. 

The value field is used for providing the value as per the parameter.

For instance, you can choose all the pages and sub-pages under a given ancestor using the following rule.

Similarly, to selectively ingest only the pages created or modified after Jan 1, 2024, you can configure the rule as shown below.


  • You can define more than one condition to choose different types of content from the connector using the OR operator. 
  • Every rule can have one or more conditions to select a subset of content using the AND operator. For example, to ingest the latest content created after Jan 1, 2024 and having the word ‘SearchAssist’ in its title, define the rule as: